Over the last two years Bury UNISON, with the support of ESSU, has opposed the possible outsourcing of corporate services to a Strategic Service-delivery Partnership with a private contractor. This has included involvement in Council working groups to assess current performance, evidence to Overview and Scrutiny and producing briefings for staff and elected members. The Council has decided continue current plans to develop and improve services and not commence procurement.
Month: March 2009
Successful in-house bid for hospital nursery
The in-house bid of the First Steps Day Nursery, Central Manchester University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, has been successful following a procurement process and bids from private nurseries. The 89-place nursery moves into new accommodation in the PFI hospital development in May with a five year contract with a possible two year extension. ESSU advised UNISON and staff in the preparation of the bid. Jobs, terms and conditions have been retained.