Public Alternative to the Privatisation of Life
provides comprehensive evidence of the failure of privatization and the economic, social and environmental damage to people’s lives, working conditions and undermining of equalities.
It details radical strategies for decommodification
for a new era of public ownership and provision
with participative and democratic accountability, quality public services, the preservation of nature
and sustainable climate action.
One of the most detailed examinations of the failures of privatisation and neo-liberalism – a book that delivers both incisive critique and an alternative vision.” Professor John Spoehr, Pro Vice-Chancellor – Research Impact and Director of the Australian Industrial Transformation Institute, Flinders University, Adelaide.
“Dexter Whitfield shows how privatisation damages our public services, increases inequality, undermines public pensions or exacerbates the climate crisis – a highly topical and well-researched book. And most importantly, it shows how things can be done differently.” Laura Valentukeviciute and Carl Waßmuth, Gemeingut in BürgerInnenhand, Germany.
“At a time when there is a growing consensus that free-market fundamentalism needs to be abandoned, Dexter Whitfield sets out how public services can be delivered using different models and for the benefit of all.” Stewart Smyth, PhD. Director, The Centre for Research into Accounting and Finance in Context (CRAFiC), Sheffield University Management School.
“I strongly recommend this book. His attention to detail is critical to an understanding about the long-term damage of marketisation and provides a clear warning about not adopting ‘ill-thought out approaches’ that could leave public services open to future attacks from privatisation.” John Burgess, Barnet UNISON Branch Secretary, London.
“For Trade Unionists, Community Activists, Progressive Politicians. This book provides the research, analysis and strategy for resisting privatisation whilst demanding reform and renaissance in Public Services.” Richard Whyte, Regional Officer, Unite, Scotland.
Further details in Public Ownership and Provision section