Published from 1972-1990, Community Action (CA) magazine documents a range of community-led activism and campaigning in and around the built environment, primarily in the United Kingdom. Founded by a group of radical planners who had grown disillusioned with the exclusionary and conservative nature of contemporary practice, the magazine sought to connect grassroots initiatives around the country, increasing their political purchase at a time of significant social and economic upheaval. The activity covered includes but is not limited to: opposition to slum clearance and urban motorways; tenant organising; alternative plans; advice centres; the women’s movement; workplace activism; disability rights and community transport. Archived here in its entirety, the magazine provides fascinating insight into the role and nature of oppositional community action, as the paternalistic post-war settlement disintegrated, giving way to the privatisations and reactionary individualism of the 1980s.
Many thanks to Peoplesplans.org and Sheffield University Department for Urban Studies and Planning