A revised edition of the ESSU Employment Risk Matrix has been published comparing the risks of the Secondment, TUPE Plus and TUPE employment models. It covers changes to terms and conditions, pensions and staff consultation and representation. 84% of the risk for employees in a TUPE transfer are in the high and medium risk categories compared with only 8% for a TUPE Plus transfer and none for secondment.
University of Leeds Economic Impact Study
Commissioned by the University and College Union (UCU) and UNISON, the study estimates that the University’s proposed 35m pound budget cut by the beginning of the 2010/11 academic year will result in between 625-700 university job losses and a total UK loss of 1,187-1,330 jobs. It concludes that “a ‘world class university’ is also one that gives much greater attention to its economic and social impact on the neighbourhoods in which it is located and its role in the city and regional economy.”
Good Practice Transformation Toolkit for Barnet Council’s Future Shape
The Toolkit is based on templates for Service Reviews, Options Appraisals and Business Cases. Appendices cover soft market testing and key questions for options appraisal.
UNISON Barnet: Future Shape of the Council Programme – Briefing No. 7, The impact and performance of management buyouts, social enterprises and mutual models
There is renewed interest in management buy-outs (MBOs), social enterprises, the ‘John Lewis’ model and other mutual forms of ownership as an alternative to outsourcing or ‘partnerships’ with private contractors. The Briefing draws on historic and recent evidence. These options transfer a service from the public to the private sector and is thus privatisation. The form of private ownership, for example whether it is a public or private company, a cooperative, mutual, social enterprise or some other non-profit organisational model is a secondary matter. The fact of the matter is that the ownership of assets and employer responsibilities will transfer to the private or voluntary/third sector. A procurement process will still be required, irrespective of an MBO or social enterprise option. However, the MBO/social enterprise option effectively means that there will be NO in-house bid.
One Million Climate Jobs NOW!
A report by the Campaign Against Climate Change trade union group which makes the case for 1 million new climate jobs. It explains the difference between climate and green jobs, how they will be funded, why and how the jobs will be created. A detailed report is planned in 2010. Dexter Whitfield, ESSU, advised on the job calculations.
Not fit to run the Metro – the sorry tale of Deutsche Bahn
The ESSU has produced a report for the Northern TUC, UNISON and UNITE into the safety and operational performance of Deutsche Bahn, currently one of two organisations processing through the final stages of competitive tendering to run Tyne and Wear Metro services for Nexus, the Tyne & Wear Passenger Transport Authority, the other ‘bidder’ being an in-house bid team.
Barnet’s Future Shape
ESSU has worked closely with UNISON Barnet in responding to Barnet Council’s Future Shape proposals. This has included responding to the October 2009 Cabinet report, production of a draft Corporate Procurement Strategy and a two-day commissioning and procurement training course. A detailed response to the Council’s latest proposals on the ‘personalisation’ of services is being produced.
Tyne & Wear Metro
Nexus, the Tyne & Wear Passenger Transport Authority, has been required to seek tenders for an operational contract, a government imposed condition of £300m public investment. ESSU Director, Dexter Whitfield, has been the trade union observer, on behalf of the Northern TUC, UNISON and UNITE, in the three week moderation stage of the bid evaluation process.
UCU Guides on Challenging the Market
The ESSU worked with the University and College Union on their guide for branch activists on fighting privatisation. ESSU also produced a Commissioning and Procurement Guide on the marketisation and privatisation of tertiary education for the union’s internal use.
New 2009 edition of the PPP Database
The new and expanded edition of the PPP Database covers 40 PPP local government contracts with a combined value of £8.1bn and employing 16,624 staff. It includes a new table on terminated contracts.