The title of an article in The Guardian (by Lizzie Presser) which draws on ESSU’s database of PPP Strategic Partnerships and evidence of a high contract failure rate. Includes comments about the benefits of in-house services from leaders of Cumbria County Council, Liverpool City, the London Borough of Islington and the Local Government Association’s improvement and innovation board.
新卫生和社会照料经济:来自英格兰西北地区的 报告 Chinese translation of summary of New Health and Social Care Economy
The Chinese translation in China Social Welfare Journal of the summary report of The New Health and Social Care Economy study of Sefton MBC, Liverpool and Greater Manchester City Regions and North West regional economy – see News, July 2015. Thanks to Prof. Li Bing, Beijing.
The Private Finance Initiative: nationalise the Special Purpose Vehicles and end profiteering from public assets
This is a radical proposal by the People vs Barts PFI campaign which has been researching and discussing ‘what to do about PFI’ for several years. The paper explains what SPVs are, how SPVs spin off private profit from public assets and proposes a mechanism for nationalising the SPVs. Proposals to strengthen the public design, project management and ‘intelligent client’ functions be strengthened in non-PFI public sector construction projects and problems with the proposal to centralise the debt are detailed in two appendices. A proposal to centralise and reduce PFI obligations contained in Part 4 of the NHS Reinstatement Bill are also examined. Access paper:
Somerset CC terminates contract with IBM
The Council finally terminated the 2007 contract after years of failing to achieve savings, poor performance, expensive contractual disputes and returning some services in-house. Details of these events are contained in various editions of the PPP Strategic Partnership Database.
Two reports by ESSU predicted these problems – Somerset ISIS or Crisis and Southwest One Lessons and New Agenda.
Dave Orr, a retired UNISON member, and Nigel Behan, UNITE, undertook a rigorous investigative 8-year campaign to expose the fundamental flaws in the contract.
Capitalist Dynamics Reconfiguring the State: Alternatives to privatising public services, by Dexter Whitfield
“What we are for is equally important as what we are against” was the theme of a large public meeting on 16 September at Nottingham University. The presentation described the dynamic forces, public sector ‘transformation’ and set out alternative strategies to regenerate public services. The meeting was jointly organized by the Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation, Spokesman Books, the Centre of the Study of Social and Global Justice and University and College Union.
The New Health and Social Care Economy
A major study of the New Health and Social Care Economy was launched at a Integrate Care Council event in Birmingham on 1 July. The 96-page report is a definitive analysis of the Sefton MBC, Liverpool and Greater Manchester City Regions and the North West regional economy.
A Decade of Downloads
466,574 documents (doc and pdf), presentations and spreadsheets have been downloaded from this ESSU/CPS website since June 2005 with a global reach – a very significant record for a small organisation. Many documents are also available on the websites of organisations that commissioned research and analysis, thus increasing the total to well over half a million downloads.
Inquiry into the Future of Voluntary Services: The Ideological Context, Paper No. 4 – Dexter Whitfield
This paper for the National Coalition for Independent Action’s Inquiry examines neoliberal ideology and objectives and their role in the transformation of public services and the welfare state. The paper highlights ways in which voluntary sector organisations are being drawn into the commercialisation and marketisation of public services and the effects of a contract culture. Other Inquiry reports available from:
Unmasking Austerity: Opposition and Alternatives in Europe and North America, by Dexter Whitfield, Spokesman Books (eBook)
Exposes how austerity policies have fuelled the fire of recession rather than stimulated growth. It identifies key lessons from organising and action against such policies, and urges a rethink of trade union, community and social movement strategies to overcome austerity. Unmasking Austerity examines the deeper causes of the financial crisis, and exposes the manufactured crises, which are being used to dismantle hard-earned labour rights and the welfare state. A radical alternative strategy includes economic stimulus, reconstruction of public services, faster fundamental reform of banks and financial markets, the elimination of corporate welfare that enriches big business, and strategies to increase labour’s share of national income. ePub available from Spokesman Books and Amazon.