2012 news and events from the European Services Strategy Unit.

News and events from 2012.

PPP Wealth Machine: UK and Global trends in trading project ownership: ESSU Research Report No 6
The average annual return on the sale of equity in UK PPP project companies was 29% between 1998-2012 – twice the 12%-15% rate of return in PPP business cases at financial close of projects. The excess profit could be £2.65bn, all of which benefits private sector companies. This report exposes the real level of profiteering in PFI projects and shows how the government’s new PFI model, Private Finance 2, does nothing to address the profiteering or lack of transparency. Includes a Global database of PPP equity transactions. Also ESSU UK PPP Equity database can be download at http://www.european-services-strategy.org.uk/ppp-database/ppp-equity-database/

2012-12-13 13:12:30
英国社会服务:私有化的转变 UK Social Services: the mutation of privatisation, Dexter Whitfield
A paper written for Studies in Social Services, Li Bing, Vice Professor, Department of Sociology, Beijing Administrative College, China. Social services are at the forefront of the continued neoliberal transformation of public services and the welfare state in the UK. The paper applies the In Place of Austerity framework to examine the changes in social services. Paper in English and Chinese.

2012-09-27 14:37:44
Why a ‘thin client’ is a bad policy
This Barnet UNISON Briefing examines the London Borough of Barnet’s plan to allocate just 2.5% client costs in the planned outsourcing of planning, environment health, trading standards, highways planning and cemeteries. The amount allocated would hardly be adequate to fund contract management and monitoring, leaving nothing to fund other client functions. It discusses the effects of Barnet Council’s ‘thin client’ plans, commissioning and client responsibilities, resources required for contract management and monitoring and the consequences of under-resourcing the client function.

2012-09-24 15:40:42
Failures, delays and soaring cost of Barnet Council’s Street Lighting PFI contract
The London Borough of Barnet signed a £100m 25-year PFI street lighting contract with Barnet Lighting Services Limited (Bouygues Construction and Mill Group infrastructure fund) in April 2006. This Briefing details the delays and performance failures by the private contractor, the lack of audit despite the high risks and cost increases borne by the Council, and the lack of regular, comprehensive and publicly available monitoring reports.

2012-09-17 15:43:50
Beware the UK’s ‘community rights’: the latest mutation of privatisation, Open Democracy
Cutting through the coalition government’s rhetoric of localism and ‘community rights’, Dexter Whitfield exposes a strategy to further destabilise and fracture public provision, accelerating marketisation and privatisation. Link on right to article.

2012-08-17 15:35:32
New review of In Place of Austerity: Reconstruction of the economy, state and public services, Dexter Whitfield
Cathy Davis, Department of Environment and Life Sciences, University of Salford, UK in Housing Studies, 2012: “…the volume provides a wealth of detail about how neo-liberalist approaches are subverting and replacing state provision, predominantly in the UK as well as other Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries. Three introductory chapters outline the ‘deepening crisis’ from 2007–2008; the continuing ‘neo-liberal transformation’ of welfare state services and the growth of corporate welfare.” http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02673037.2012.655041

2012-08-09 16:32:25
The Mutation of Privatisation published
The Mutation of Privatisation: A critical assessment of new community and individual rights, European Services Strategy Unit – Research Report No. 5, Dexter Whitfield – has been published by Spokesman Books, ISBN 978-0-85124-817-2, price £8.95, order online: http://www.spokesmanbooks.com/acatalog/Dexter_Whitfield.html
The study has been featured on the Australian Government’s Service Delivery in Government web site: http://servicedelivery.govspace.gov.au/2012/07/30/featured-reports-6/

2012-08-06 13:54:05
European Public Services Briefing 4: European Union Public Procurement Law, the public sector and Public Service Provision, Andy Morton
In the mid-1980s, prompted by the passing of Single European Act, the European Union embarked upon an ambitious programme of liberalisation to complete the Single Market. This included the opening up of many national industries to pan-European competition. EU public procurement law has been a crucial pillar to this agenda as EU institutions have sought to encourage cross-border, pan-European purchasing of public contracts. The paper examines the scope of EU procurement law, public markets vs public services, UK experience of outsourcing, PPPs and employment issues.

2012-07-25 14:45:28
The Mutation of Privatisation: A critical assessment of new community and individual rights, European Services Strategy Unit – Research Report No. 5, Dexter Whitfield
New community rights to bid, buy, build, challenge and provide are enshrined in legislation and Coalition policy. The government is also extending existing individual rights to buy and to personal budgets. This paper examines the objectives and scope of the new community rights and proposes a typology of public sector reform rights. It highlights the fundamental conflicts between ‘rights’, ‘choice’ and ‘contract’ cultures and localism. It assesses the conflicts and contradictions between community and commissioning, participation and empowerment, and the impact on democratic accountability, public finance, employment, equalities, the changing role of the state and community, voluntary and non-profit organisations.

2012-07-17 16:57:29
Public Pain: The insidious destruction of public services, Dexter Whitfield
“This is not so much a ‘hollowing out’ of the state, but a fundamental redirection to finance and manage markets and collusion in the deepening of corporate welfare.” Chartist, July/August 2012.

2012-07-10 14:07:36
Outsourcing of London Fire Control Centre reversed
The London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority (LFEPA) has reversed its decision to award a ten-year 999 Fire Control managed services contract to Capita plc. Instead the LFEPA will enter into a contract for a replacement mobilising system only. This means that the 120 control staff will remain employed by the Authority. ESSU produced a detailed analysis making the case against outsourcing for the FBU, UNISON and GMB late last year. The LFEPA report to the Authority’s meeting on 21 June 2012 can be accessed here.

2012-07-03 11:34:08
Commissioning Council plan exposed
UNISON has called on the London Borough of Barnet to immediately abandon its plan to become a Commissioning Council. The report by the European Services Strategy Unit (ESSU) documents the fundamental weaknesses in each stage of the procurement process for two large strategic partnerships of up to £1billion value and nearly 1,000 staff. The report documents the Council’s commissioning of two large strategic partnership contracts, assesses the Council’s reorganisation to become a Commissioning Council and examines the impact of this model for service users, elected members, staff and community and voluntary organisations. The Costs and Consequences of a One Barnet Commissioning Council study also revealed a systemic failure in contract management in Adult Services and proposes an alternative strategy.

2012-06-20 19:45:06
PPP/PFI Profits
Excessive profits obtained by PPP companies and banks is again in the news. The first evidence on the scale of excessive PFI profits and the growth the secondary market was detailed in *Global Auction of Public Assets* by Dexter Whitfield and followed by a more detailed research in *The £10bn Sale of Shares in PPP Companies*: New source of profits for builders and banks, ESSU Research Paper No. 4, by Dexter Whitfield in January 2011. This details the news coverage and links to reports.

2012-05-03 15:16:30
The payments-by-result road to marketisation, Dexter Whitfield
“‘Payment by results’ has become the new performance management mantra. It is intended to incentivise
contractors, with payment conditional on the completion of agreed outputs or outcomes. There are currently two such payment and reward models: the social impact bond mechanism and phased incentive payments.” This article examines the implications of this approach, the growth of ‘social markets’, incentive payment contracts and explains why it is a high risk strategy; pages 22-23, in Critical Reflections: social and criminal justice in the first year of Coalition government, Centre for Crime and Justice Studies, March 2012.

See also Research note: The “social enterprise-payment by results-social impact bond” privatization trilogy?, Margot Young, Canadian Union of Public Employees, April 2012.

2012-03-29 12:37:05
Recent events
In February Dexter Whitfield gave lectures at the University of Sheffield (Department of Sociological Studies), Queens University, Belfast (School of Management), given evidence to the Public Accounts Committee, Western Australia State Government, and a presentation to the Canadian Union of Public Employees bi-annual research meeting.

2012-02-27 19:30:24
Barnet’s high-risk strategy for customer and support services
An assessment of a business case update for the customer and support services outsourcing highlights the London Borough of Barnet’s approach – ignore real risks, miscalculate client costs, exaggerate savings, claim non-financial benefits that cannot be substantiated, inadequate equalities assessments and ignore the high failure rate PPP strategic partnership track record. The Council’s refusal to require services to be located in Barnet could lead to mass redundancies immediately after transfer.

2012-02-27 19:00:20
Plan B and Beyond
A critical assessment of Compass’s Plan B that reveals its shortcomings and need for a more radical and comprehensive socialist alternative, by Dexter Whitfield, Red Pepper Issue 182, Feb/Mar 2012.

2012-02-13 09:09:00
Transfer of Housing Service to Barnet Homes
A detailed analysis of the proposed transfer of the London Borough of Barnet’s Housing Service to Barnet Homes, the ALMO established in 2004. The Council truncated the options appraisal and business case into one process, limiting the options and pre-selecting the preferred option, and has led to a further deterioration in the quality of options appraisals and business cases in Barnet.

2012-01-13 14:54:09
Local Authority Trading Company (LATC) for Adult and Housing Services
The London Borough of Barnet plans to establish a LATC that requires Adult Services to generate up to 90% of the £0.7m annual profit. Yet the financial viability of Barnet Group Ltd (Yours Choice Barnet and Barnet Homes) is highly questionable. This report details the flawed appraisal process, the reasons for financial instability, governance and the potential impact on service users and staff.

2012-01-13 14:25:54

New edition of PPP Database on Strategic Partnerships

The Database now covers 48 strategic partnerships and has been expanded with more analysis of operational contracts, a new Strategic Partnership Performance Ratio, and new tables on community trusts in strategic partnerships and contractor performance.

Compelling Evidence Against a Strategic Partnership

Analysis of the London Borough of Tower Hamlets approach to procurement of a strategic partnership for ICT and corporate services, employing 615 staff. Reveals that there was no evidence of an options or business case prior to the start of procurement. Highlights the limitations of strategic partnerships and the potential impact on the local economy if services are located elsewhere. Proposes an alternative approach to service improvement.

Barnet seeks to terminate Greenwich Leisure Ltd contract

The London Borough of Barnet is considering terminating a 15 year leisure services contract. This is a story of mismanagement of a single service contract that again exposes the high-risk strategy and assumptions proposed by the One Barnet model. Meanwhile, the Council is at the procurement stage of several multi- service, multi-million pound, long-term contracts that are up to 50 times the value of the leisure contract!

Privatisation of London’s Fire Service Training and Control Centre

The planned outsourcing of Fire Service training and Fire Control services could result in the fracturing of Fire and Emergency services in London. A report for the FBU, UNISON and GMB exposes the threat to the fire and rescue service by outsourcing fire service training and the Fire Control service. New high risks will be imposed on fire service, potential discrimination in the treatment of staff, and a flawed procurement process driven by political dogma.


Select Committees recommend sharing PFI equity profits and criticise use of tax havens

Following detailed evidence of Private Finance Initiative equity profiteering and the transfer of assets to tax havens submitted by Dexter Whitfield, the House of Commons Public Accounts Committee has recommended gain sharing in new and existing PFI projects (1 September 2011). The Committee called for the Treasury to measure tax revenue from PFI deals and ensure this is taken into account in project assessments. It recommended Freedom of Information be extended to private companies delivering public services. An earlier report by the House of Commons Treasury Committee (August 2011) also included the PFI profits evidence, and was highly critical of the cost of PFI, off-balance sheeting financing and value for money assessments.

PAC report and evidence:

Treasury Committee: Vol. 1: Report and Minutes

Vol. 2 Additional Written Evidence

社会服务现代化 – Modernising Social Services? Evidence from the Frontline

This 2004 report by the Centre for Public Services has been reprinted in a new book, ‘Social Services’, by Li Bing, PH.D. Vice Professor, the Department of Sociology, Beijing Administrative College. The Chinese version can be downloaded (the English version in our publications section). The report examines the implementation of the previous government’s modernisation agenda for public sector reform and gives a voice to social care professionals at the frontline of service delivery and modernisation. It gives their impressions of how the key aspects of the government’s agenda were being implemented on the ground and shows how it undermined service quality and the welfare state.

Microsoft Word Document 社会服务现代化.doc

Social Policy Association Award for Outstanding Contribution from a Non-Academic

Dexter Whitfield has received the 2011 Social Policy Association Award for Outstanding Contribution from a Non-Academic. The award “celebrates his work in campaigning, research and advocacy for fairer UK state services over 40 years and, in particular, his defence of welfare services against privatisation and marketisation”. Accepting the award, Dexter Whitfield commented “I have always believed in the importance of a methodology that combines action research, strategy development, alternative policies and trade union and community organising. The need for this four-part methodology is greater than ever given the economic and financial crisis and the planned transformation of public services and the welfare state.”

The Social Policy Association promotes the study of social policy and advances the role of social policy research within policy making, practice and wider public debates. The majority of the Association’s members are teachers and researchers in social policy and applied social science within UK higher education, complemented by a significant and growing number of members from other European, Asian and Australasian countries.

PFI Profits

The vast profits being made by contractors and banks selling equity in PFI project companies was exposed by the BBC File on 4 programme on 13 June. The programme was based on The £10bn Sale of Shares in PPP Companies: New source of profits for builders and banks, and earlier evidence in Global Auction of Public Assets by Dexter Whitfield. BBC Podcast: PFI Profits File on 4, 14 June 2011 – 38 mins  BBC Press Release: HM Treasury ‘in dark’ over ‘excessive’ PFI profits

Financial Times, 20 June 2011: PFI projects switched to tax havens, report claims

Daily Mail, 15 June 2011: £2bn secret profits on PFI gravy train: Public-sector projects are massive money spinner

Daily Telegraph, 15 June 2011: £2bn profit for companies selling debt on public projects

Tax Justice Network, 15 June 2011: BBC explains tax scam in UK’s Private Finance Initiative

Left Foot Forward, 15 June 2011: Democratic erosion, profiteering and tax havens: PFI equity sales exposed by Dexter Whitfield.

Open Democracy, 22 June 2011: PFI transferring billions from UK taxpayers to private financiers

Is Commissioning the Way Forward?

An article in Local Government Chronicle, 9 June 2011, by Dexter Whitfield, describes commissioning as a wolf in sheep’s clothing because it will lead to private monopoly, commercialised services, agendas dominated by the vested interests of private contractors and little transparency. Sets out an alternative approach.