The ESSU has produced a report for the Northern TUC, UNISON and UNITE into the safety and operational performance of Deutsche Bahn, currently one of two organisations processing through the final stages of competitive tendering to run Tyne and Wear Metro services for Nexus, the Tyne & Wear Passenger Transport Authority, the other ‘bidder’ being an in-house bid team.
Barnet’s Future Shape
ESSU has worked closely with UNISON Barnet in responding to Barnet Council’s Future Shape proposals. This has included responding to the October 2009 Cabinet report, production of a draft Corporate Procurement Strategy and a two-day commissioning and procurement training course. A detailed response to the Council’s latest proposals on the ‘personalisation’ of services is being produced.
Tyne & Wear Metro
Nexus, the Tyne & Wear Passenger Transport Authority, has been required to seek tenders for an operational contract, a government imposed condition of £300m public investment. ESSU Director, Dexter Whitfield, has been the trade union observer, on behalf of the Northern TUC, UNISON and UNITE, in the three week moderation stage of the bid evaluation process.
UCU Guides on Challenging the Market
The ESSU worked with the University and College Union on their guide for branch activists on fighting privatisation. ESSU also produced a Commissioning and Procurement Guide on the marketisation and privatisation of tertiary education for the union’s internal use.
New 2009 edition of the PPP Database
The new and expanded edition of the PPP Database covers 40 PPP local government contracts with a combined value of £8.1bn and employing 16,624 staff. It includes a new table on terminated contracts.
Future Shape of the Council: Comments on Phase 2 Cabinet and Interim Reports
Barnet’s Future Shape programme has concluded that a single ‘vehicle’ for the delivery of all Council service was is not feasible. The Council now plans a three-stage process of consolidation, commissioning and provision under a ‘one Barnet public sector’ approach. This report is the joint trade union response to the second phase two Future Shape report to Cabinet on 6 July 2009.
Strategic Service-delivery Partnerships stopped in Bury
Over the last two years Bury UNISON, with the support of ESSU, has opposed the possible outsourcing of corporate services to a Strategic Service-delivery Partnership with a private contractor. This has included involvement in Council working groups to assess current performance, evidence to Overview and Scrutiny and producing briefings for staff and elected members. The Council has decided continue current plans to develop and improve services and not commence procurement.
Successful in-house bid for hospital nursery
The in-house bid of the First Steps Day Nursery, Central Manchester University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, has been successful following a procurement process and bids from private nurseries. The 89-place nursery moves into new accommodation in the PFI hospital development in May with a five year contract with a possible two year extension. ESSU advised UNISON and staff in the preparation of the bid. Jobs, terms and conditions have been retained.
Marketisation of Education
Presentation at University & College Union North West conference on Marketisation of Education, Manchester, January 2009.
Economic Impact of Prisons in Rural Areas: A Review of the Issues, Dexter Whitfield
The South Australian State Government is proposing five PPPs for the future development of the State’s correctional facilities by moving men’s and women’s prisons, a youth training centre and a pre-release centre to Murray Bridge. The Public Service Association commissioned the Australian Institute for Social Research (AISR), University of Adelaide, to identify the indirect and/or hidden social/economic costs associated with the relocations.
The European Services Strategy Unit literature review focuses on the economic, social and employment impact of locating prisons in rural areas, drawing particularly on US evidence. In October 2008 the South Australian State Government announced that funding for the new prisons will delayed until 2013-14 because of the current economic climate.